Spanish Enrichment

Whitson Elementary transitioned to a Spanish Enrichment Signature School during the 2019-2020 school year. This shift included the following enhancements:

  • The Whitson Dual Language program is shifted to all content being taught in English. Prior to 2019-2020. we were using the Gomez model for Dual Language.
  • Students K-5 will be receive 45 minutes of Spanish Language Arts (speaking, listening, reading, writing)
  • The classroom teacher pushes into the Spanish Enrichment Classroom to help the Spanish Enrichment teacher provide differentiation for students in Spanish.
  • Teachers follow LOD (language of the day) MWF- Spanish TU- English. Specifically, the teacher speaks in the language of the day for transitions, lining up etc. conversational Spanish and BICs (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills).
  • Our goal is to continue to staff all of our classrooms with bilingual teachers.
  • Our goal is to continue to keep all the students in their current strand of classmates that will continue to transition together each year.
  • The resource for Spanish Language Arts is Santillana, our current district approved Spanish resource.
  • Mrs. Parra is the new Spanish Enrichment teacher. She provides instruction to students K-5.
  • Researched based assessments are given quarterly to all students in the Spanish Enrichment program to address the language acquisition of all students.
  • The Whitson grade card includes a section for the Spanish Enrichment teacher to add grades for students who receive Spanish Language Arts instruction.
  • There continues to be only ONE track of Spanish at every grade level. 
  • Students travel in the same cohort of students from year to year. For example, the kindergarten class travels together to first grade. Then from first grade they all travel together to second grade. 
  • If a family is interested in applying for the program please call the Whitson office. 785-438-4570.
  • The spring prior to kindergarten is when the application opens for the next incoming class.
  • We are an application only program.
  • We continue to accelerate student learning in all subjects with a focus on Spanish Language Arts daily. 
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