Spanish Enrichment

Whitson Elementary transitioned to a Spanish Enrichment Signature School during the 2019-2020 school year. This shift included the following enhancements:

  • The Whitson Dual Language program is shifted to all content being taught in English. Prior to 2019-2020. we were using the Gomez model for Dual Language.
  • Students K-5 will be receive 45 minutes of Spanish Language Arts (speaking, listening, reading, writing)
  • The classroom teacher pushes into the Spanish Enrichment Classroom to help the Spanish Enrichment teacher provide differentiation for students in Spanish.
  • Teachers follow LOD (language of the day) MWF- Spanish TU- English. Specifically, the teacher speaks in the language of the day for transitions, lining up etc. conversational Spanish and BICs (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills).
  • Our goal is to continue to staff all of our classrooms with bilingual teachers.
  • Our goal is to continue to keep all the students in their current strand of classmates that will continue to transition together each year.
  • The resource for Spanish Language Arts is Santillana, our current district approved Spanish resource.
  • Mrs. Parra  is the new Spanish Enrichment teacher. She provides instruction to students K-5.
  • Researched based assessments are given quarterly to all students in the Spanish Enrichment program to address the language acquisition of all students.
  • The Whitson grade card includes a section for the Spanish Enrichment teacher to add grades for students who receive Spanish Language Arts instruction.
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